Why Titanium Solvent Traps are Best for Cleaning

Cleaning your firearm regularly is one of the best things you can do for your collection to keep it in good working order. Every piece requires a delicate and different touch, but using a titanium solvent trap is one of the best ways to get things clean.
What is a Titanium Solvent Trap
A solvent trap is a plug that goes on the end of your firearm and catches any solvent that’s been run through! Simple enough in the concept, but upgrading to a titanium one has some profound benefits for your firearm.
The titanium version of the solvent trap is made of a much sturdier, lighter metal that works with an end cap to catch all the slimy material you’ll be using in cleaning your firearm. This will save your floors and help keep your firearm in the best working order!
Why Choose Titanium
Several factors make titanium solvent traps the best choice for your next firearm cleaning session including, weight, corrosion resistance, and hardness of the material.
One of the other more common materials that are used for solvent traps is aluminum. This is a much lighter material than titanium but not as strong. Titanium is slightly heavier but holds up better under the sustained pressure that a solvent trap will endure. Choosing between the two can often come down to cost, as aluminum is much less expensive in the long run.
Corrosion Resistance
Titanium is naturally corrosion-resistant because of its high oxide level that is difficult to dissolve. This oxide layer protects it well and holds up better than aluminum under the same conditions. Again, the most challenging part of your choice may well be the cost of this type of solvent trap, as titanium is rarer and more costly.
Since titanium has a higher density, the overall product is much harder and will stand up under pressure from your firearm. Aluminum and titanium are similar in this regard, and titanium is often used when anyone is looking to lighten up the load on their project. While it remains a light solvent trap, titanium will stay rigid and strong without weighing you down entirely.
Solvent traps are a product that makes being a firearm owner much more manageable and will help you keep your firearms in proper working order. But finding the right one for your budget and overall needs can feel like a challenge.
Two of the most common types of solvent traps are aluminum and titanium. Aluminum is lightweight, cheap, and tends to become corroded quickly when using the materials necessary to clean your firearm.
The difficult part of always choosing titanium is the cost you’ll incur, as it’s much more expensive and harder to find. Titanium has a higher density, remains hard over time, and won’t corrode or rust out after many uses! But to keep your firearms working in tip-top shape, you want only the best. Titanium can do that for you to make sure you’ll never have an accident out in the field. Visit the website to learn more.