How the Internet Adds Value to Life

Coronavirus – which erupted at the end of 2019 and spread throughout the world was expected by the researchers to diminish after a few months. However, it has affected many, and the world might not get rid of it for years to come. Masks, lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing have become the new normal. During this exhausting and challenging time, most have relied on the internet as a form of hope, happiness, entertainment, and a stable means of earning.
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Top six Ways via Which the Internet Adds Value to Our Daily Lives:
Leisure Activity and Socialization
During the lockdown, when people were self-isolated, the internet helped keep them afloat by enabling them to communicate with their loved ones via audio/video calls, and social media platforms. The individuals spent time scrolling their feeds, buffering movies on streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. During this period, the app store made several games free and many interacted through those as well. Without a stable internet connection, none of this would have been possible.
Online Schooling and Homeschooling
The classes have been shifted online after the closing of schools and other educational institutions. Students from across the globe are attending lectures online. Harvard University even developed a virtual classroom, which is the new talk of the town. It enables students to attend classes without any hassle. Homeschoolers have benefited from many curriculums turning virtual during the lockdown. Even with some schools open, parents and guardians are reluctant in sending their children. The travel and real-time meetings may have stopped, university campuses may be deserted, but education continues all because of the internet.
Remote Work
Some companies went partially remote whilst others such as Twitter, Amazon, and Meddy, etc. have gone fully remote. Remote work is only possible by the grace of a good internet connection. Seamless communication, uploading files, meeting deadlines – everything needs speedy internet. The pandemic has drastically affected many businesses, but most have entered the virtual realm, to keep steady. Individuals have made ‘home offices’ to work at allocated spots where the internet connection is good and disruptions are little. Companies have also distributed portable internet devices to their employees to help them get through this time.
Small Scale Businesses
During the pandemic, people have had a lot of free time to think about life and happenings in general. Statistics show that in the US a whopping 63% of people have invested in, or started their own online small-scale business. Be it selling cookies, hand-embroidered mats, or tutoring children online, people have set off to highlight their respective talents. Again, the internet has allowed them to do so. Some businesses, which did not have an online presence before COVID-19, have now shifted their operations online.
Healthcare Industry
The healthcare industry has been affected the most by the outbreak. With people stranded in their homes, emergencies and chronic illnesses still require treatment. During this, telemedicine has hit its all-time high. Clinics, hospitals, and healthcare institutions have started offering telehealth services. No matter where the patient or the doctor is, they can communicate virtually through systems that safeguard patient-doctor confidentiality. Video consultations are offered online, and treatment is done from the comfort of the patient’s home. Moreover, sick leaves are issued online and prescriptions are sent to the patient’s phone. Advancements in technology have occurred where internet-powered smart devices can look after a loved one is while being continents away – monitor their heartbeat and other vitals and report emergencies to the nearest clinic.
World News
The pandemic has been and still is a formidable time for us. The internet has helped equip us with knowledge and happenings around the world. It has let us stay connected in these troubled times. We are still living with the hope that one day we will wake up to the news of this deadly disease disappearing as quickly as it spread earlier.
Life without the internet seems like a thought of the past. Not only has it helped in the aforementioned aspects but also it has helped numerous people deal with the loss of their family, friends, and colleagues –to the coronavirus. The Internet has helped keep them busy, divert their minds, and has given them hope to continue.